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I’m still stuck on the MDSveX/prismjs error. I found another site that uses sveltekit. It’s hosted on vercel, but I wonder if it will work if I just change the adapter to static in svelte.convig.js.

That worked. I think I’ll use this as a starting point for now.

Just kidding. Same kind of problem, but showing different errors. When I open a blog it gives an error. But if I refresh, I can navigate back and forth and see all posts without problem.

So, if I refresh I can’t go to a post the first time. Actually, now it’s not working at all. And now it’s working completely. I don’t know what’s happening - maybe browser caching something? Seems to work now, so I’ll move forward.

I’m going to see if I can host this page on GitHub with a custom url. I’ve had problems with routing before, so I think it’s worth testing early. I’ll install gh-pages to my developer dependencies using:

npm install gh-pages –save-dev

And I’ll add a script to package.json called deploy that runs:

gh-pages -d build

Now, let’s see if it will host on the default GitHub url. I think I need to check in the whole repository first, because I don’t think gh-pages will create a new one.

It’s mostly working now, but it’s looking for assets in BASEURL/… vs BASEURL/REPONAME?…, but I think that means it will work if I just use or even a subdomain like

It’s not working, but I forgot to add a .nojekyll file to the root. I’ll add it in the /static directory and rebuild. Apparently, Jekyll doesn’t post files or directories that start with an underscore.

GitHub or gh-pages keeps deleting my .nojekyll file. I tried adding some test inside, but that didn’t help. I have to manually add the file back in through GitHub.

If I open the site in a private window, it doesn’t load the css. If I then hard refresh, it works. But if I do a normal refresh it doesn’t. Ah, just saw that I had another browser window open so the private session never ended. The refresh stuff is gone now.

I just tried the old starter project again and noticed the build preview is working, but not the dev. Who knows…


There are some things I like from the different sites.

From Matt’s:

  • SVG animations - Background and logo
  • Hover animation on posts (but they’re not on the other cards)
  • Smooth scrolling
  • Code can show filename and language
  • Custom highlighting (sparkle wrapper and brush stroke)
  • Featured image for posts
  • Different shaped tiling
  • Image optimization

From Elianiva’s:

  • Link/page hover animation
  • Dark mode switch (Matt’s is automatic, but I like the option)
  • Fading transition between pages (doesn’t work as well on mobile - flashes)
  • Scrollbar styling
  • Scroll to top button
  • Color scheme, but needs more contrast on homepage post elements
  • Search in posts with live updating
  • Semi-sticky header with animations and mobile reactivity (Matt’s mobile nav loses the links)
  • Info bubbles can have header info: date and title

Matt’s site gives errors on dev, but build works. I’m not sure if I can work with that though. I think I may start with the Elianiva site and add component styling ideas from Matt.

  • SVG animations I’ll make on my own
  • Hover animations on posts shouldn’t be too hard
  • Smooth scrolling I think is just a CSS attribute on html, then maybe some logic to setting scroll points when navigating to different pages, i.e. backwards
  • I think I can add filename and language info pretty easily, but maybe it depends on the highlighter or markdown preprocessor, but both use MDSveX.
  • I’ll make my own highlighting classes
  • I don’t think adding images to posts will be difficult, but making them look nice might be
  • I’ll have to see if the tile shapes are automatic and if they depend on the post contents

The search on Elianiva’s I would guess is just a library but seems a bit daunting. The sticky header might be a little tricky but not sure. Scroll to top isn’t bad, and I think the fading is an option provided by Svelte, but not sure. Huh, they both have smooth-scrolling; maybe I just noticed it on Matt’s because it scrolls to points on the page.

If GitHub stops auto deleting my .nojekyll that would be nice. I just deployed again, and it seems to be sticking now.

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