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I was having trouble getting my sveltekit site to work on github pages. The content was there but it wasn’t reading any of my css files. Maybe I didn’t had Tailwind CSS setup properly. When I previewed the built site locally it was fine, so maybe it was something else.

I decided to start over. I found this template, which links to this article. When I copied it, it didn’t work - I think sveltekit had some changes very recently. I did like the “hack” of building into the doc directory rather than creating a gh-pages branch.

I ran npm init svelte@next and built the demo app. Then I modified the svelte.config.js to use the static adapter. I removed the target and paths properties as well as the /** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */ link.

I also added the .nojekyll file, and added a CNAME containing my custom domain: On the GitHub page, I went to Settings > Pages, and then set the Source to master/docs. I also set the custom domain to, and toggled on HTTPS.

On the domain admin for, I went to DNS settings and added a new CNAME record. The Host name is, and the Data is

Now when I run npm run build in my terminal, it creates all the static assets (html, css, js) in the docs folder. Then when I push it to GitHub, it automatically deploys to

By the way, this site is still just the demo app with the colors and some links changed. Now that I have the demo site working, I may try adding Tailwind CSS again, but maybe not.

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